Thursday, July 25, 2013

Weeks 19-25

I've been doing a pretty shitty job updating this compared to my Insanity blog.  The problem is that this blog just isn't as fun to write and is probably much less fun to read. I'll keep having periodic check-ins up to the marathon and then much much less after that.

Week 19
Monday - 11 mile run
Tuesday - recovery
Wednesday - 30 min on stationary bike
Thursday: VACATION

Grade: F

Week 20

Grade: F-

I don't know about you duders but I cannot workout on vacation.  There are mental blocks and it was 100 degrees in Montana which really limits the amount of physical activity that is possible.  Plus I was hungover for half of it.

Week 21
Monday: 3 mile run
Tues: Cardio Power and Resistance
Weds: Nada
Thurs: 30 min stationary bike
Fri: 3.2 mile run
Sat: Pure Cardio
Sun: Rest

Grade: C

Week 22
Mon: 12.5 mile run
Tues: Recovery
Wed: Mowed the lawn!
Thurs: 30 min stationary bike
Fri: Plyometric cardio circuit
Sat: 6.4 mile run
Sun: walked the dogs a mile or two

Grade: A!

Week 23
Mon: 30 min stationary bike
Tues: Cardio Power and Resistance
Wed: 3.2 mile run
Thurs: 30 min stationary bike
Fri: 14 mile run
Sat: Recovery (Plus I had no time because I had to get down to the Subpop Silver Jubilee!)
Sun: Rest

Grade: A!

That was my longest run to date.  It went pretty well. I prepared for it by eating a ton of carbohydrates for the 2 or 3 days leading to it and I had Gatorade and some energy gels packed with me.  The trail I took was pretty convoluted and not really well marked.  I think I ended up somewhere.... Anyway, about the time I realized that I was lost was about the time that I needed to turn around anyway.  I need to figure that out because I am depending on that trail for long runs.  I really don't feel like taking my neighborhood loop 5 times.  Also, there is a difference between recovery and rest.  Recovery is after a particularly grueling workout where a rest is needed to recoup and prevent injury.  Rest is more for mental recovery.

Week 24
Mon: Pure Cardio
Tues: 3.2 mile run
Wed: Plyometric cardio circuit
Thurs: No time.  I had tickets to see David Byrne and St. Vincent!
Fri-Sun: I was in Montana again for a wedding.  It was very hot there.

Grade: D

Week 25 (Current week)
Mon: Nothing.  I was very tired from the trip to Montana so I needed a nap after work.
Tues: 3.2 mile run
Wed: Cardio Power and Resistance
Thurs: 6 mile run

We are up to date! I will probably repost this week with the next post with the rest of the week added.  My run today was good but I actually had to cut it short by half a mile.  My left knee really started aching so I had to walk the last bit.  I'm hoping it was caused by bashing it against my counter while trying to wiggle in to my compression shorts and not from the run itself.  It would really blow to get injured this late in the game.

I'm not going to proof read this post so ignore any grammar/spelling mistakes unless they are really bad.  In that case, please let me know!

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