Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 3

If I were to rate my weeks so far they would be as follows: 
Week One: A
Week Two: F-
Week Three: B
I was going to give week three a C based on the amount of workouts I actually did but I decided to bump it up a letter grade because the quality of the workouts was pretty good.  Here's the week's review:
Monday: SKIP
Tuesday: SKIP
Wednesday: Pure Cardio (Insanity)
Thursday: Run 4 miles
Friday: Cardio Power and Resistance (Insanity)
Saturday: AWESOME 6 miles.
Sunday: attempted my own ab workout that sucked but then did 24 min on the stationary bike even though it is supposed to be my rest day.

Total miles: 10

I feel good!  What a great rebound after the horrible week two that I had.  Going forward I'm hoping this will be the norm.

My run on Saturday was one of the best I've ever had.  I did a 10K distance in 52 minutes.  That is the fastest I've ran that distance (or any distance, really) since high school.  Next week I'll try a 7 miler but at a more reasonable pace.

Oh!  I replaced my Garmin Forerunner 305 with the Garmin 10.

Garmin 10 v. Garmin Forerunner 305
I dig the Garmin 10.  It has less feature than the Forerunner 305 but I am totally fine with that.  If I wanted to monitor my heart rate I can use my Polar 4 heart rate monitor.  As you can see from the pic, the 305 is a freaking brick compared to the 10.  I am not a fan of the green color but the black one was actually a little bit bigger for some reason.  Oh well.  We don't run to look cool!

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