Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 4

I gave my workouts letter grades last week and I kind of like that!  This week I'll give myself a B+.  It would be an A but I skipped a day because I am still undisciplined.

Monday - SKIP :-(
Tuesday - Run 3 miles
Wednesday - Max Interval Circuit
Thursday - Stationary bike 30 minutes
Friday - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Saturday - 7 mile run
Sunday - Recovery

Total miles: 10

I did Max Interval Circuit on Wednesday.  It was the workout I skipped on Monday and I figured the two workouts I cannot skip are my MAX workouts and the long runs.

I wanted to run on Thursday but my work schedule was screwy all last week so I didn't get home until later and the weather was pretty crappy.  The weather was crap on my long run as well.  I had a 20 MPH headwind for about 3 miles of it but I kept a 9:04 mile pace which is really good for me.  In the past a long run would be more around 10:30.  I think there are a few factors that improve my pace.  First is just being in better shape.  Insanity really helped my cardio.  My resting pulse rate was down to 58 beats per minute the other day.  Before I started Insanity it was around 80.  Next is my weight loss.  I am down almost 10 pounds since my last half marathon.  It saves quite a bit of energy not lugging that around!  Then we have my improved nutrition.  Using myfitnesspal to make sure I am eating enough has helped immensely.  Last is the shoes.  I love the Ghost 5s.  I can't believe I ran on my old shoes for so long!

I'm hoping to get over 10 miles total next week.  That should be easy to do as long as the weather cooperates.

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