Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 5

Grade: A

Monday - Max Cardio Conditioning
Tuesday - 3.13 mile run
Wednesday - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Thursday - 3.12 mile run
Friday - Cardio Power and Resistance
Saturday - 8.01 mile run
Sunday - Rest

Total miles: 14

This was a very good week in all departments, fitness and life.  As you can see I managed to get all my workouts in, increased my long run mileage and got over 10 miles/week for the first time in this round of training.  The weather on Saturday was beautiful.  It was in the 50s and the sun was shining.  That's perfect running weather!  Both of my knees started to get pretty stiff at the 4 or 5 mile mark.  They didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable.  I did some research and it could be that I'm just over working them.  I knew going in to this that doing Insanity and running might be a little too much and I might need to scale back some as my mileage gets higher.

I finally got around to registering for my next half marathon.  It will be the Heroes Half in Everett, WA.  I am committed now!

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