Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week 8

Week grade: B

Monday: Max Cardio Conditioning
Tuesday: 9.01 mile run
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 4.5 mile run
Friday: Cardio Power and Resistance
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Total miles: 13.5

I took some extra rest days this week.  Wednesday was originally supposed to be Plyometric Cardio Circuit but after the long run that would probably do more harm than good.  Saturday wasn't a total rest day by any means.  I had the day off and the sun was shining so I finally got around to mowing (part of) my lawn.  That is a total bitch in the early spring in the pacific northwest so it ended up being a decent workout.

I am actually considering cutting out the Insanity stuff completely.  It might be better to do that program as a winter tradition when the weather sucks.  It kind feels weird using a workout DVD when it is so nice outside.  I'll stick with it, though maybe with a modified schedule, up until my half marathon.  After that I'm thinking my mileage will be too high and the my body won't have time to recover with the intense Insanity workouts.  I am a little concerned that I won't get enough cardio without them, though.

Happy Easter!

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