Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 9

Week grade: B+

Monday - 4.5 mile run
Tuesday - 46 minutes on stationary bike
Wednesday - 5 mile run
Thursday - NOTHING!
Friday - Pure Cardio
Saturday - 10.1 mile run

Total miles: 19.6

Oh man, I was so close to breaking the 20 weekly mile mark!  That's okay, it's the long run miles that count. My goal this week was to do a 10 mile run and I wasn't expecting to be able to meet it because of the shitty weather we've been having lately.  I was checking the forecast all day at work on Saturday and at some point it changed from 100% rain to 0% rain.  I saw it as a sign and I went for it.  Unfortunately the wind did not let up like the rain did.  I had 20 mph headwinds for most of the run (I swear it kept changing directions just to torture me) but I did it and I am proud.  I really needed that run because the half marathon is in 20 days.  Hopefully I can get up to a 12 mile in the next two weeks.

I didn't give myself an A this week because of the skip day on Thursday.  I didn't need a rest or anything, I just had no time for a workout.  I had to work all day and then hightail it to Seattle to meet up with my lady for some dinner.

My weight has dropped at a faster rate this week.  I am happy about that.  I decided to really work at reaching my target weight so I can start to eat more.  Eat! Eat! Eat!  I think the extra calories will be important when I start on my really long runs.

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