Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 11

Week's grade: D

Monday - Max Interval Circuit
Tuesday - Stationary bike, 40 minutes
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - NOTHING
Friday -NOTHING!
Saturday - Stationary bike 30 minutes
Sunday - 5 mile run

Oh my, what a disaster.  I have excuses, though!  I had planned on doing a 10 mile run on Wednesday, but that day happened to be my 31st birthday and I was able to talk myself in to playing Ni No Kuni all day instead of run.  You shouldn't have to work out on your birthday anyway.  Thursday was someone else's birthday in Seattle followed by a show later that night (Lady, who I highly recommend you check out).  I had to hightail it to the city right after work so I had no time.  Friday I had my annual evaluation at work which was scheduled a half hour after I normally would get off and I didn't have time after it was finished.  I had ANOTHER birthday to go to in Seattle on Saturday but I was able to get out of my rut and get an easy workout in prior to that.  Pretty poor effort but I'm okay with it.  I need to start tapering anyway since the half marathon is exactly one week away!

Tomorrow I will do a Max workout but I will plan on taking it easy for the rest of the week.

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