Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 10

Week's grade: A+

Monday - Max Interval Plyo
Tuesday - 5 mile run
Wednesday - Pure Cardio
Thursday - 5 mile run
Friday - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Saturday - 12.1 mile run
Sunday - Rest (with a two mile walk with the dogs and mowing the lawn)

Total Miles - 22

10 weeks already?  Man, time flies.  I'm happy that I was able to break the 20 weekly mile mark.  I wasn't sure that I'd be able to get my long run in on Saturday because the weather was pretty shitty.  I got up early because it was supposed to be nicest in the early morning.  It started out cool and dry but by the end it was cold and wet.  There's no telling what the weather will be like on race day (two weeks from now) so it was good for me to get a little wet.  Today would have actually be a good day for a long run.  It hailed and rained earlier but now as I write this the sun is peaking through to say, "Hello!"

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