Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 12 - Half Marathon

Week's Grade: A+

Monday: Max Cardio Conditioning
Tuesday: 4.2 mile run
Wednesday: Core Cardio and Balance
Thursday: 3 mile run (I think)
Friday: REST
Saturday: REST
Sunday: 13.1 mile run

Total miles: 20ish

I probably worked out a little more than I should have since this was supposed to be a taper week, but I don't think it really hurt me any.  I decided to do Core Cardio and Balance because that is the Insanity workout that you do for an entire week in between months one and two.  It is much more laid back than normal Insanity workouts and I think it helped keep my muscles awake but not overwork them.  Sunday was the Heroes Half Marathon in Everett, WA.  It was my second half marathon, the first being the Amica Seattle Half Marathon last November.  I finished yesterday with a time of 1:49:42 (8:22 pace).  My previous PR was around 2:18:00 so I shaved off almost a half hour which is something I'm pretty proud of.

Now I need to figure out where to go with my training for my first full marathon.  The next one in my area is in June but I doubt I'd be ready by then and I don't think I'd be able to get race day off from work.  I think I'll plan on doing one in Portland, OR in October.  That is a ways away and I don't want to peak too soon so I need to figure out just how many miles to run and what kind of workouts to do.  I also might not update every week because I think the posts will start to get even more boring than they are now...  Decisions decisions!


  1. Hi Dan
    you are truly inspiring
    I would like to see your progress after Insanity
    Pictures and how much BF% did you lost since 18.1
    Good Luck

  2. Thanks for the comment! I do plan to do another update post soon. I'd like to lose a couple more pounds to hit my weight loss goal first. Hopefully that happens soon!

  3. I'am waiting for you update , I finished Insanity and I have 2 weeks to finish Les Mills , my BF% IS 19.2 I hope to achieve 14% soon.
