Monday, April 29, 2013

Week 12 - Half Marathon

Week's Grade: A+

Monday: Max Cardio Conditioning
Tuesday: 4.2 mile run
Wednesday: Core Cardio and Balance
Thursday: 3 mile run (I think)
Friday: REST
Saturday: REST
Sunday: 13.1 mile run

Total miles: 20ish

I probably worked out a little more than I should have since this was supposed to be a taper week, but I don't think it really hurt me any.  I decided to do Core Cardio and Balance because that is the Insanity workout that you do for an entire week in between months one and two.  It is much more laid back than normal Insanity workouts and I think it helped keep my muscles awake but not overwork them.  Sunday was the Heroes Half Marathon in Everett, WA.  It was my second half marathon, the first being the Amica Seattle Half Marathon last November.  I finished yesterday with a time of 1:49:42 (8:22 pace).  My previous PR was around 2:18:00 so I shaved off almost a half hour which is something I'm pretty proud of.

Now I need to figure out where to go with my training for my first full marathon.  The next one in my area is in June but I doubt I'd be ready by then and I don't think I'd be able to get race day off from work.  I think I'll plan on doing one in Portland, OR in October.  That is a ways away and I don't want to peak too soon so I need to figure out just how many miles to run and what kind of workouts to do.  I also might not update every week because I think the posts will start to get even more boring than they are now...  Decisions decisions!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 11

Week's grade: D

Monday - Max Interval Circuit
Tuesday - Stationary bike, 40 minutes
Wednesday - nothing
Thursday - NOTHING
Friday -NOTHING!
Saturday - Stationary bike 30 minutes
Sunday - 5 mile run

Oh my, what a disaster.  I have excuses, though!  I had planned on doing a 10 mile run on Wednesday, but that day happened to be my 31st birthday and I was able to talk myself in to playing Ni No Kuni all day instead of run.  You shouldn't have to work out on your birthday anyway.  Thursday was someone else's birthday in Seattle followed by a show later that night (Lady, who I highly recommend you check out).  I had to hightail it to the city right after work so I had no time.  Friday I had my annual evaluation at work which was scheduled a half hour after I normally would get off and I didn't have time after it was finished.  I had ANOTHER birthday to go to in Seattle on Saturday but I was able to get out of my rut and get an easy workout in prior to that.  Pretty poor effort but I'm okay with it.  I need to start tapering anyway since the half marathon is exactly one week away!

Tomorrow I will do a Max workout but I will plan on taking it easy for the rest of the week.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 10

Week's grade: A+

Monday - Max Interval Plyo
Tuesday - 5 mile run
Wednesday - Pure Cardio
Thursday - 5 mile run
Friday - Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Saturday - 12.1 mile run
Sunday - Rest (with a two mile walk with the dogs and mowing the lawn)

Total Miles - 22

10 weeks already?  Man, time flies.  I'm happy that I was able to break the 20 weekly mile mark.  I wasn't sure that I'd be able to get my long run in on Saturday because the weather was pretty shitty.  I got up early because it was supposed to be nicest in the early morning.  It started out cool and dry but by the end it was cold and wet.  There's no telling what the weather will be like on race day (two weeks from now) so it was good for me to get a little wet.  Today would have actually be a good day for a long run.  It hailed and rained earlier but now as I write this the sun is peaking through to say, "Hello!"

Monday, April 8, 2013

Week 9

Week grade: B+

Monday - 4.5 mile run
Tuesday - 46 minutes on stationary bike
Wednesday - 5 mile run
Thursday - NOTHING!
Friday - Pure Cardio
Saturday - 10.1 mile run

Total miles: 19.6

Oh man, I was so close to breaking the 20 weekly mile mark!  That's okay, it's the long run miles that count. My goal this week was to do a 10 mile run and I wasn't expecting to be able to meet it because of the shitty weather we've been having lately.  I was checking the forecast all day at work on Saturday and at some point it changed from 100% rain to 0% rain.  I saw it as a sign and I went for it.  Unfortunately the wind did not let up like the rain did.  I had 20 mph headwinds for most of the run (I swear it kept changing directions just to torture me) but I did it and I am proud.  I really needed that run because the half marathon is in 20 days.  Hopefully I can get up to a 12 mile in the next two weeks.

I didn't give myself an A this week because of the skip day on Thursday.  I didn't need a rest or anything, I just had no time for a workout.  I had to work all day and then hightail it to Seattle to meet up with my lady for some dinner.

My weight has dropped at a faster rate this week.  I am happy about that.  I decided to really work at reaching my target weight so I can start to eat more.  Eat! Eat! Eat!  I think the extra calories will be important when I start on my really long runs.